Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin carving! by Griffin...

As you can see, we all went out to carve pumpkins last night. Well, actually Daddy carved the pumpkins while Gage ran around, Mommy supervised (which she is so good at), and I observed it all from the comfort of my stroller. I personally thought it was a bit on the chilly side and ended up sitting in Mommy's lap. I'm not sure whose idea it was to pose me and Gage like this (probably Mommy's), but as you can see, I wasn't too thrilled with it. It did seem to me that Gage enjoyed the carving of the pumpkins, as he kept running around claiming "two punkins Daddy, two punkins!" He tried his best to get that goop out of the pumpkins, but his little hands just couldn't manuever the shovel well enough. But Mommy and Daddy thought he was cute, nonetheless. After Daddy was done making the scary pumpkin faces, he told Gage they were "Jack O-Laterns" which Gage tried to repeat and again, Mommy and Daddy thought that was funny too. I'm telling you, Gage and I don't have to do much to be cute in their eyes. Well, now the pumpkins are out front, I'm not sure what they are for, but Gage seems to think they are the world's greatest are a few more pictures of the big "event"...
Here I am just chilling out...

I think Gage was trying to eat the goop in this picture:

Gage kept pushing one of the pumpkins over while Mommy was trying to take his picture:

Here's Gage and Daddy with the final products:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Introduction into our Gage and Griffin

First off, my name is Gage. I guess I should introduce myself a bit. I just turned 2 on October 1st and I'm starting to make life so interesting for my mommy and daddy. I have to do that, ya know...just to keep them on their toes. All in all, I'm well-behaved, I just like to test their limits on a daily basis. My mommy stays at home with me and my little brother, Griffin (I'll let him tell you more about himself in a minute). My daddy owns a construction company. I love going to work with him and riding on all the equipment. I like to keep the boys in order by telling them to "DO WORK!" They all love it when I come to visit.

My current insterests are Sesame Street (mostly the star of the show, Elmo), playing with all of my Little People, and going around the house singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm". My mommy thinks this is just hilarious. Told you I make their life interesting. My favorite food is french fries. I am working on using the potty...another way I like to make life interesting around here. Like I said, I love to keep mommy on her some days, I will use the potty all day...other days...well, not so much. I really don't like to do numero 2 in the potty either.

Well, that pretty much sums me up for now. Here I am, aren't I totally cute?

Ok, onto me...(me being Griffin...the cute new baby). I was born on May 27th. I am 5 months old and so extra sweet and cuddly. I love for my mommy and daddy to hold me! I can pretty much just look at them and get my's a pretty sweet deal I've got going on! Mommy feeds me and changes my diaper all day. Daddy feeds me my cereal (which I just starting get last week-I'm seriously wondering how I did without it before!) everynight at dinnertime. Mommy always offers to feed it to me, but like I said, I'm cute and Daddy likes to do it.

My current interests are Gage (that kid is super cool, I'm so glad he's my brother), eating, watching Mommy try to entertain me (she is a nut and will do anything to get me to laugh, I usually humor her), and bathtime (Daddy thinks I'm the next Michael Phelps).

Well, here's a picture of me...don't you just want to hug me?