Monday, November 23, 2009

O Christmas Tree...and other Christmas Gage

Boy oh I ever excited about Christmas! Ever since we put up the Christmas tree, I've asked Mommy every day if Santa is coming today. She keeps saying "not yet". But that we are getting closer every day! I think Mommy really loves Christmastime too! She told me last Saturday morning that we were going to put up our tree and told me about all the fun ornaments we have! Griffin and I got to pick out our very own ornaments. In my past 3 Christmases, I've acquired a "Baby's First" (or 3 or 4...thanks to many other people who were very excited about my first Christmas!), an Elmo ornament, and a horsey ornament. Griffin got a "Baby's First" last year. This year I picked out a Little Einstein's rocket and Grif chose Mickey Mouse.

The night we put up and decorated the tree, Mommy made some appetizer food and punch...and I discovered something that I love...punch! It was sooooo yummy! I begged and begged for more and more. I think I ended up getting two cups. Pretty good.

Here we are getting started on the tree:

I was really excited to see each ornament as Mom and Dad unwrapped them!
Here's Grif admiring the ornaments. He loves them too...a bit too much though! He broke 3 the weekend we put up the tree! Although, he's been doing pretty good with not touching them since.
Later, in our Christmas pjs. Mommy took some pictures for Christmas cards.
One of my most favorite things is a little Santa that you wind up and it plays music. It's so cool!
As for my wish list, I've asked for everything under the sun. So I think I will be happy with anything and everything I get! I'm really excited to get these Christmas festivities started!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Griffin

Last night, I decided that I didn't want dinner from Kobe.

Last night I decided I would rather have a cookie (we don't even have cookies).

Last night, Mommy and Daddy told me we didn't have cookies.

Last night, I then started begging (screaming, rather) for candy.

Last night, I carried on for a good 30-40 minutes about this business of not wanting any food, rather junk instead.

Last night, I did convince Daddy to give me some yogurt. Upon completion of this yogurt, I still screamed for candy.

Last night, I shocked my parents. Gage evidently never threw a tantrum before.

So, last night, I thought they needed to learn how to handle a tantrum. Too bad they didn't learn anything.

Last night, this face:

was nowhere to be seen.

Friday, October 9, 2009

I am three! by Gage

Three whole years old! Can you believe it? I had the most fabulous four day birthday ever! It was so much fun this year, since I'm older and I asked for my presents and got to pick what food we ate and everything!

On my actual birthday, (Oct. 1) I requested pancakes for dinner. With bacon and eggs. So Daddy went to the store and bought blueberries, chocolate chips, and whip cream! Mommy and I wanted chocolate chip and Daddy and Griffin wanted blueberry. They were soooooo yummy! After that, I knew I had a surprise present...I was so excited about it. Mommy and Daddy made me guess what it was...I guessed bubble wrap, but I was was a Geotrax Train set! I had been asking for one for months and months! It is so much fun...even though my tornado of a brother keeps taking the track apart!

On Saturday night, Mimi, Poppy, Pap, Mimi, Courtney, Ben, Chase and Nana came over for another birthday dinner. This time I requested crunchy tacos. We also had cake...I wanted chocolate with chocolate icing! I got more toys and some clothes (which I wasn't too thrilled with. Hey, I'm a boy...!). I got some Diego stuff, a Mickey Mouse racetrack, and a cool Batman car.

On Sunday, believe it or not, my crazy mother gave me another little party for my friends. We just had my neighbor friends, Carter, Kiersten, and Jaden over for pizza and cupcakes. I got more toys. And it was soooo much fun!

I'm really lucky to have so many people love me and want to share my birthday with me!

Here's a picture that Mommy took of me yesterday...I hear that Daddy really likes it!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Griffin

So, how is your summer going? Mine is going pretty great! I'm learning to do new stuff all the time! I'm walking like an absolute pro now and I've even added dancing to my list of skills. Just put any music on and I will totally shake my booty. I've expanded my list of foods from bread only to bread, meatloaf, bananas, hot dog chili, and spaghetti. Mommy is happy about that. I have also decided to become more independent, whether Mommy likes it or not. I pretty much insist on brushing my own teeth. I have a realy awesome grip when Mommy or Daddy tries to pry the toothbrush out of my hands! new fave activity is actually brushing my teeth!

What's new with Gage? Well, he's as cool as ever. I totally want to be just like when I grow up! Because of him, I get to play with some cool "big kid" toys like motorcycle men and G.I. Joe guys. He's already really excited about his birthday and is really hoping to get a train. And shhhhh...don't tell, but I'm pretty sure Mommy and Daddy are getting him one! Pretty sweet for me too! Here are a couple of pictures of him...he looks pretty grown up here I think, don't you?

Well, in other news, I'm gonna be a big brother! Lucky for me, I have a great big brother myself! Mommy started her own blog that she's wanting me to plug it here. Whatever! Here's the link:
I guess Kelli is Mommy?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Us and our Gage

So when I was about 5 months old, on a whim, my mommy laid me down with a little brown bear. I instantly snuggled up to this bear and Mommy and Daddy named him "B". B is for brown, bear, baby, Brian (who gave him to me in the first place). B has seen me through bad nights of teething, moving from my crib to my big boy bed , and many other sleep issues. I really love him and now I can't sleep without him.

And when Griffin was born, it was only natural that the gift I give him be a teddy bear. I had hoped to find a little brown one, but found a little blue one instead. And that worked out well, since there is no confusion on whose bear is whose!

It took Griffin a little bit longer to get attached to his bear and we couldn't ever figure out a name for his bear. But about a month ago, Griffin named him "Baby" all on his own. So now we call his bear "Baby".

Aren't we just a couple of little darlings?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh brother! by Griffin...

Gotta love brothers-I know it doesn't look like it here-but I do love my big brother Gage!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lake fun! by Gage

A few weeks ago, we headed over to the lake with Mimi, Pap, Chase, Court, and Ben. It was a celebration for Chase's birthday. I hadn't been since I was 10 months old. We didn't get to go last year since Griffin was such a little thing. We pretty much spent all day parked on the boat. I loved floating around on the lake. However, I did not like going down the slide. Not at all...Daddy talked me into it.

Here I am with Uncle Ben driving across the water:

I was even able to catch some zzzzz's:

Griffin was too! Can you believe he was so tired he just conked out on the water? Cute little dude!

Mommy just likes these last two pictures, so she made put them in!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Way overdue...I know! By Griffin

Sooooo...according to Mimi M. this post is long overdue! For some reason, the pictures were not cooperating, so I just started all over from scratch!

But anyways, I turned 1...3 weeks ago today! My actual birthday was on a Wednesday, so we just hung out at home. I got my main gift from Mommy and Daddy, a new red car! Isn't it so cool? I'll get all the chicks now...good looks, slobbery kisses, and very own ride! Gage really likes my car too...and since he's a pretty awesome big bro, I have no problems sharing with him!

I also got a Dr. Seuss book (Mom and Dad buy Gage and I books every year rather than cards. They write mushy stuff in them-about how much we've grown, how much they love us...yada yada...) and I got a brand new pair of sneakers!

My birthday party was on May 30th at the house. It was a lot of fun. I actually caught a little virus that Gage had and was running a fever, but I had lots of fun anyways! Everyone got to hold me and enjoy my extreme sweetness! After we ate, I got to start opening gifts!

Isn't this such a good picture of all of us? Ok...well, technically, it's not ALL of us, since Gage is missing. Where is Gage in any of these pictures you may ask? Well, he was so busy playing with Carter, he didn't even realize I was opening all these totally great new toys!

After presents, it was cake time! Here's Mommy bringing me my little "smash" cake. I almost grabbed the candle when she set it down...what can I say? I didn't know!

Here I am, slowing starting to dig in: was really good!

So good that I wanted Daddy to have a taste!

Thanks everyone for a great 1st birthday party!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our trip to the beach! by Griffin...

I know, I has taken me over a week to write this post and you've all been just dying to see some cute pictures of me and Gage hanging out on the beach, right? Well, I had lots to do last week, with unpacking and getting back in the swing of life on the mainland. Plus, I'm getting a couple of more teeth, so I haven't felt like doing too much!

We had a great time! This post will be loaded with pictures, since Mommy pretty much snapped pictures the entire trip!

This picture is of me before our first beach day...I was ready to go, complete with my surfing shirt, just in case the waves were good...

Mommy wasn't too sure how I would do in the sand, but I did wonderfully! I loved playing with the beach toys, buckets, shovels.

I even decided to see if it tasted as good as it looked! Mommy is amazed that I will eat sand but not my veggies! But that's what babies do!
And what was Gage doing while I ate/played in the sand you may ask? He spend a lot of time playing football with Poppy:
Chasing the waves and then running away from them:

Building sandcastles with Daddy, Poppy, and Uncle Max:

Gage really did have a blast! He's got some crazy energy and really just has fun doing whatever. And I really enjoyed watching him and I know that soon, I will be up running around with him!
But he did take a break every now and then:

As did I:

Oh, the hats were Mommy's evil plot to make us whiny in an otherwise fun situation. She really thought she was being tricky by putting a hat on me that fastened...doesn't she know that I'm very stubborn and will not stop working on something until I have it figured out? By day 2, I figured out how to take that hat off and I downright refused to wear that thing! I mean, I have to show her who's boss, right? Right, people? Yeah, I thought so!

The water was a bit too cold to play in, but it didn't stop Gage! Daddy tried to stick my feet in and I freaked out! What was he thinking? But here's a sweet shot of Daddy and Gage looking at the ocean!

And really people, how incredibly sweet is this picture? I've heard Mommy and Daddy saying it's their favorite picture ever and that they are going to have it blown up for Gage's room. Which will also be my room probably next summer.

Did you enjoy my picture synopsis of our vacation? I hope so!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oh, the things we do! TGIF edition!

Well, this post wraps up this week-long series! Mommy got totally lucky today...she really didn't have to come up with anything for us to do, since Tracey needed a babysitter for a couple of hours today! Carter and Kiersten= instant fun! All Mommy had to do was provide some toys, some music, and take some cute photos!

Here is a rare shot of all 4 of us in the same spot!

Here is Griffin doing what he does best: observing!

This house needs a little girl, huh? Ok, don't give Mommy any ideas people! But she is "just darling" Mommy would say...

Carter and me sharing...(yes, we do share sometimes!)

I think Kiersten LOVES Griffin's giraffe and Griffin LOVES to see Kiersten play on it!

In case you can't tell, Griffin really loves Mommy too! He's trying to crawl on her here...

Check out my moves!

And check out Kiersten's moves!

We are heading to the Outerbanks this weekend and will be back next weekend, so hopefully Mommy will get some great pictures to share and Griffin and I can tell you all about our trip when we get back!