Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our trip to the beach! by Griffin...

I know, I has taken me over a week to write this post and you've all been just dying to see some cute pictures of me and Gage hanging out on the beach, right? Well, I had lots to do last week, with unpacking and getting back in the swing of life on the mainland. Plus, I'm getting a couple of more teeth, so I haven't felt like doing too much!

We had a great time! This post will be loaded with pictures, since Mommy pretty much snapped pictures the entire trip!

This picture is of me before our first beach day...I was ready to go, complete with my surfing shirt, just in case the waves were good...

Mommy wasn't too sure how I would do in the sand, but I did wonderfully! I loved playing with the beach toys, buckets, shovels.

I even decided to see if it tasted as good as it looked! Mommy is amazed that I will eat sand but not my veggies! But that's what babies do!
And what was Gage doing while I ate/played in the sand you may ask? He spend a lot of time playing football with Poppy:
Chasing the waves and then running away from them:

Building sandcastles with Daddy, Poppy, and Uncle Max:

Gage really did have a blast! He's got some crazy energy and really just has fun doing whatever. And I really enjoyed watching him and I know that soon, I will be up running around with him!
But he did take a break every now and then:

As did I:

Oh, the hats were Mommy's evil plot to make us whiny in an otherwise fun situation. She really thought she was being tricky by putting a hat on me that fastened...doesn't she know that I'm very stubborn and will not stop working on something until I have it figured out? By day 2, I figured out how to take that hat off and I downright refused to wear that thing! I mean, I have to show her who's boss, right? Right, people? Yeah, I thought so!

The water was a bit too cold to play in, but it didn't stop Gage! Daddy tried to stick my feet in and I freaked out! What was he thinking? But here's a sweet shot of Daddy and Gage looking at the ocean!

And really people, how incredibly sweet is this picture? I've heard Mommy and Daddy saying it's their favorite picture ever and that they are going to have it blown up for Gage's room. Which will also be my room probably next summer.

Did you enjoy my picture synopsis of our vacation? I hope so!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Oh, the things we do! TGIF edition!

Well, this post wraps up this week-long series! Mommy got totally lucky today...she really didn't have to come up with anything for us to do, since Tracey needed a babysitter for a couple of hours today! Carter and Kiersten= instant fun! All Mommy had to do was provide some toys, some music, and take some cute photos!

Here is a rare shot of all 4 of us in the same spot!

Here is Griffin doing what he does best: observing!

This house needs a little girl, huh? Ok, don't give Mommy any ideas people! But she is "just darling" Mommy would say...

Carter and me sharing...(yes, we do share sometimes!)

I think Kiersten LOVES Griffin's giraffe and Griffin LOVES to see Kiersten play on it!

In case you can't tell, Griffin really loves Mommy too! He's trying to crawl on her here...

Check out my moves!

And check out Kiersten's moves!

We are heading to the Outerbanks this weekend and will be back next weekend, so hopefully Mommy will get some great pictures to share and Griffin and I can tell you all about our trip when we get back!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh, the things we do! Thursday edition...

Can you think of a better place to play with your cars than in a fort? Yeah, me neither. I had been asking Mommy to build me a fort all week and since she needed to mop the dining room anyhow, she figured she would just do it since she had pushed the table into the kitchen temporarily! So, yay for me and Griffin!
Fort building is really easy! All you need are some sheets and blankets thrown over some chairs!

Oh, the things we do! Wednesday edition!

Ok, shame, shame on my mommy today! We had a totally rockin' playdate yesterday morning and my mommy neglected to snap any pictures of it! So...this post will just have to be enough!

Anyways, I slept in BIG time yesterday...til 9am. That is really not like me, but I was so comfy chilling in Mommy's bed (every morning around 6am, I find my way in there-Daddy is usually ready to leave for work and you know, Mommy needs someone to cuddle with!) that I decided to stay an extra couple of hours. By the time I got up, she and Griffin had already eaten and then I found out that Mommy had called Tracey and arranged a playdate with Carter and Kiersten!!! So, by the time I ate breakfast and got dressed, they were here!

Carter and I played and played and played. They even stayed for lunch! So, that's what we did yesterday....I know, I know, pictures would have been nice....but I can't help what Mommy does!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oh, the things we do! Tuesday edition...

Today was painting day! Woo-hoo! So Mommy was all set to let me paint outside on the deck. But as soon as snack was finished, here comes the rain! So...she laid out a towel and just let me have at it in the floor...that was fun too!

You will need some blank paper, a couple of brushes, and if you please, an apple cut in half!

Add some paint:

Dip the apple into some paint:

And there you have it! A beautiful piece of original artwork by Mr. Gage Winston! (Yes, I will be accepting bids...)

Moving on to the brushes:

Can you believe my mother let an 11 month old baby have finger paint??? Yeah, me neither!

Griffin didn't get the "keep it on the paper" memo!

And well, you can guess what all this painting led to...right? Well, if you can't guess, here's a involved water and lots of bubbles! I love bubble baths!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Oh, the things we do! by Gage...

Oh, the things we do to stay busy- especially when rain is forecasted for a week!

This post will go on for a week and I will show you some neat stuff that we do around the house so that we don't go completely crazy with boredom! My mommy is just the absolute greatest (oh she's blushing) at coming up with things for us to do! I'll just update it everyday with that day's activity! Sound ok? Ok...then great!

Musical Monday!
Ok, you will need a couple of old plastic containers and a wooden spoon or two (especially if you have a little brother who will also be banging around with you!)

Next, have your mommy fill up a couple of cups with some neat things! (Such as dry noodles or loose change.) These make wonderful shakers! And the best part? They are loud!

Did you also know that little hands such as mine are great music makers?

And voila! You and your little brother (if you have one) can beat and bang and shake til your heart's content!