Monday, February 23, 2009

Missed me? Of course you have! by Griffin...

I've just been really busy with important things like learning to crawl:

Yep, it is official...I'm a crawling baby! As of Friday. Mommy thinks it's quite neat that my older brother also began crawling at 8 months, 3 weeks. Before I figured out this way to move, I was just rolling and army scooting everywhere. Right now, my favorite things to crawl after are cords...drives my mommy nuts! But I have to give her something to do, right?

I also got my first tooth sometime in the middle of the night Friday/Saturday. I think the one next to it is working its way out as well, cause I'm sorta cranky today! But then again, Gage has had the sickies, so could he has given them to me?

Another new accomplishment of mine:

Standing while holding onto something-I haven't got the pulling up thing figured out, but I know I will get that soon too!

I can also ride my firetruck now: if all that isn't enough, I so take down Gage!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Playing in the Gage

Wow! Two posts in a row by me? Well, I don't mind if I do...

Since it's snowing, I thought I would treat you to some pics of me from a couple of weeks ago when it snowed. Mommy and I went out to play. Don't worry, Griffin was safe and warm taking a nap while Mommy monitored that on the monitor. I had never played in the snow before. And I had to put alot of clothes on before we could go out! Mommy put me in a thermal one piece suit, a long sleeved undershirt, a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, two pair of socks, mittens, a hat, shoes, and my puffy coat with the hood up! Phew, I'm surprised I could move!

Once we got out there, Mommy kept trying to get me to play in the snow, but I just wanted to play with my toys...I immediately found my soccer ball and tried to kick it around!

I think I did pretty good out there, I only fell one time!

But after my fall and when I started getting too cold, I got a bit grumpy and pleaded with Mommy NOT to take anymore pictures, but did she listen? Heck no, she actually thought my grumpy face was funny enough to take several pictures of...