Friday, October 9, 2009

I am three! by Gage

Three whole years old! Can you believe it? I had the most fabulous four day birthday ever! It was so much fun this year, since I'm older and I asked for my presents and got to pick what food we ate and everything!

On my actual birthday, (Oct. 1) I requested pancakes for dinner. With bacon and eggs. So Daddy went to the store and bought blueberries, chocolate chips, and whip cream! Mommy and I wanted chocolate chip and Daddy and Griffin wanted blueberry. They were soooooo yummy! After that, I knew I had a surprise present...I was so excited about it. Mommy and Daddy made me guess what it was...I guessed bubble wrap, but I was was a Geotrax Train set! I had been asking for one for months and months! It is so much fun...even though my tornado of a brother keeps taking the track apart!

On Saturday night, Mimi, Poppy, Pap, Mimi, Courtney, Ben, Chase and Nana came over for another birthday dinner. This time I requested crunchy tacos. We also had cake...I wanted chocolate with chocolate icing! I got more toys and some clothes (which I wasn't too thrilled with. Hey, I'm a boy...!). I got some Diego stuff, a Mickey Mouse racetrack, and a cool Batman car.

On Sunday, believe it or not, my crazy mother gave me another little party for my friends. We just had my neighbor friends, Carter, Kiersten, and Jaden over for pizza and cupcakes. I got more toys. And it was soooo much fun!

I'm really lucky to have so many people love me and want to share my birthday with me!

Here's a picture that Mommy took of me yesterday...I hear that Daddy really likes it!