Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Some pics! And trip Gage...

Why has it taken me so long to update on our trip? I don't know...but we had soooo much fun! We went to this place called Disneyworld...awesome! The best place for me was Magic Kingdom. I got to ride lots of rides! I even got to ride a real rollercoaster! I rode with Mommy and I laughed so loud! Here's a pic of me on the train: (check out my way green eyes...who would have thought? they were so blue for so long!)

Here's Daddy and Griffin:

Here I am in my Mickey shades:

At Animal Kingdom, I got to meet Goofy, Donald, Minnie, and Mickey!

We also got to swim at the resort and I really liked chasing the geese around that were at the resort...

I was going to post more pics, but that will be have to wait because Mommy says the computer froze up while! Whatever that means...I mean I know it's cold and all...but oh well...I hope these pics will help you get your fix!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here we go...(by Griffin)

Shew, it's been a busy month around here! Mommy said that Mimi M was patiently waiting for an update and new Mommy put me in charge of that!
Christmas was great...Gage and I got tons and I mean tons of stuff...Mommy tells us we are very blessed to have so many people that love us so much! Santa was great to us also...I got a really neat singing stage thing and a giraffe rocking thing...Gage got an Elmo restaurant, an Elmo tent-that kid loves him some Elmo, I'm not kidding-and he got a race track too. Mommy says that Santa forgot one of my gifts, a popper she owes me a gift...! It must have fell off the sleigh or something...
Here are a few pics of our Christmas season!
Here's me and Gage chilling with Jaden in his new wagon:

Opening gifts with Nana:

Gage in his Elmo tent:

Us and my new singing stage:

Me and my Griffin puzzle: (it looks so yummy!)
Gage checking out his new restaurant:

I think Mommy is going to make Gage tell you about our trip to Orlando tomorrow, cause I'm tired, so for's one more pic of me...notice how I'm up on all fours...I'm trying my best to figure out how to get around!