Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The story of a pirate ship...I mean...swingset! by Griffin...

So I have a fabulous daddy in case you didn't know...he is actually building Gage and me a swingset/pirate ship to play on! He designed it himself. Mimi saw one in South Carolina and drove us to see it...once Daddy saw it, he knew what Gage and me were going to be playing on! He started on it a couple of Saturdays ago, with the help of Uncle Chase. This Saturday looked like rain, so he didn't get to work on it...but...he's already put a couple of swings up for me and Gage to start using, I told you he was great, didn't I? I will keep you updated on it...I know it will be so much fun!

Here I am swinging yesterday...I love having my picture taken!

And Gage does not:

Look at me go!
Hey, Mommy actually caught Gage smiling...as you can see, he was looking at me!

Both of us, swinging away!

Prayers for another baby...by Mommy

Mommy here, stepping here to ask for prayers for a baby that I don't know personally, but is breaking my heart. I found an incredible blog a few months ago that I'm addicted to reading. It is written by a women close to my age who has 4 children...4, 2 1/2, 18 mos, and 5 mos. old. Shew, I can't even imagine! But she seems like a lovely person, a wonderful mother, and is has a very strong relationship with God.
Last summer, when her sweet baby was still in the womb, she was told he would be stillborn, he had a serious heart condition which caused his heart to beat at 200-300 bpm. Dangerously high! Many people prayed, all over the world for her and her unborn baby. He was born at the end of October, perfectly healed with no signs of any heart problems. She named him Stellan.
Well, fast forward to last weekend, she took him to the ER when he was having a very bad cold. It all went downhill from there...his heart starting acting up again. They have been on a rollercoaster ride since then. He's sick, very sick and even though she trusts God and has many people praying for sweet Stellan, she is losing it. Which, I believe I would have done on day 1 of this horrible ordeal.
As a mother, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain she is in, watching her little infant son lay sick, not knowing whether he will live or die. I remember when my sweet one month old Griffin was hospitalized for a nasty cold for 3 days, I was in tears by day 2. Deciding which tests to do, what Chad and I felt comfortable with.
I know there are many sick babies and children out there and they all need prayers. And I know that only a handful of people read this blog, but I'm hoping you will send out a prayer for baby Stellen, his momma, the rest of the family, and his doctors.
If you want to read more about it, head on over:

Thanks everyone!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring fever...by Gage

Shew...I'm so ready for warmer weather! Being stuck in the house all day everyday is starting to get somewhat old! Mommy has been trying her very best to keep me entertained and happy! Here I am playing Starfall with Daddy. It's a website that teaches me my letters. I know many of my letters on sight now!

One day, Mommy let me load up some bath toys in the sink to play! That was fun!

Then there's always the old standby...my little brother Griffin. He's getting more and more fun to play with everyday!