Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Griffin

So, how is your summer going? Mine is going pretty great! I'm learning to do new stuff all the time! I'm walking like an absolute pro now and I've even added dancing to my list of skills. Just put any music on and I will totally shake my booty. I've expanded my list of foods from bread only to bread, meatloaf, bananas, hot dog chili, and spaghetti. Mommy is happy about that. I have also decided to become more independent, whether Mommy likes it or not. I pretty much insist on brushing my own teeth. I have a realy awesome grip when Mommy or Daddy tries to pry the toothbrush out of my hands! new fave activity is actually brushing my teeth!

What's new with Gage? Well, he's as cool as ever. I totally want to be just like when I grow up! Because of him, I get to play with some cool "big kid" toys like motorcycle men and G.I. Joe guys. He's already really excited about his birthday and is really hoping to get a train. And shhhhh...don't tell, but I'm pretty sure Mommy and Daddy are getting him one! Pretty sweet for me too! Here are a couple of pictures of him...he looks pretty grown up here I think, don't you?

Well, in other news, I'm gonna be a big brother! Lucky for me, I have a great big brother myself! Mommy started her own blog that she's wanting me to plug it here. Whatever! Here's the link:
I guess Kelli is Mommy?