Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pretend by Griffin

Gage and I like to play pretend. We pretend lots of things.
We pretend to be Buzz Lightyear and Woody.
We pretend we are Spiderman and Batman.
We pretend to be bear hunters.
We pretend to have campouts with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in our Elmo tent.
We pretend to be dinosaurs. Gage always pretends to be a T-Rex.
We pretend to be pirates. Mommy taught me to say "Arrrrgggg matey!" It's cute. I'm cute. Really cute...but you know, moving on.
And we like to play cowboys. We have 3 cowboys hats, but only one pair of cowboy boots. Gage always gets to them first, even though they are 2 sizes too small for him. So today, I asked Mommy to put my snow boots on me. I mean, they are boots, right? So she put them on. Because she is the best and coolest mom in the world. (She did not pay me in candy to say that. I promise.)
I think a cowboy hat and snowboots makes a pretty cool outfit, don't you?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter by Gage

Here we all are. Mommy's 3 cutie pies. All matching none the less. My mommy is a bit crazy like that. She and my Mimi have been putting these outfits together for a couple of months. Yes, I said a couple of months. But I have to say, we did look pretty snazzy, don't ya think?

It was really hot on Friday and we played outside all afternoon...with Daddy! He didn't work all day, so that was really awesome. On Saturday, Griffin and I had an Easter egg hunt at church. It was really fun. We played games, made crafts, and found eggs! Griffin only found 2, but I found 10 or so and I shared my candy with him.

On Easter morning, we got up to find our baskets filled with fun stuff! We got new pajamas-Spiderman for me, Buzz Lightyear for Griffin, Cars flashlights, Spiderman sunglasses, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, and candy! I was really excited! I keep thinking my basket will be filled every morning, but so luck in that department.

After the basket fun, Mommy and Daddy rushed around, fixing breakfast, ironing, and dressing us all. At the last minute before walking out the door, Mommy threw us (well, she didn't throw Barrett-she gently placed her) on the couch and snapped this picture. Mom and Dad matched us too. But, we didn't get a family shot. I heard them both say they were sweating by the time they got us in the car.

After church, we headed over to Daddy's grandparents' house for lunch and lots of playing with Peyton and Ethan. They are brothers, just like me and Grif. But they are older and lots of fun to play with!

We had a great Easter and hope you did too!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bedtime Griffin

I never have liked to sleep, ever. I am stubborn and strong-willed and always have been. I mean, like from Day 1. I've had about every sleep issue you can think of. From having my days and nights confused as a newborn to waking in the middle of the night, screaming and crying now.

And now that I am in a bed, not a crib, and Gage and I share a room, I've created a whole new set of trouble for my parents. When I first moved into Gage's room in January, I did great. I really surprised Mommy and Daddy. But I was just setting them up. Tricking them. Making them think I was over all my sleep troubles. Then, I started getting braver and braver. At first, I would just talk for 30 min. or so. And Gage ignored me. I think I heard Mom and Dad tell him to ignore me. But oh no! I will not be ignored!

So, I talked some more...and louder. I would yell out that I needed to pee pee in the potty, knowing good and well that I'm wearing a diaper and I don't need to pee. I eventually started getting myself some books off the shelf and reading them in bed. And playing with the radio on the desk. This is making it harder and harder for Gage to just ignore me. So he starts getting in trouble too. Daddy usually makes 3 or 4 trips in our room every night before we finally go to sleep.

But I keep doing it...and I even tried getting out of bed a few times the other night. They shut the door, but I opened it anyways.

Maybe one of these days, I will decide that sleep is a good thing and I won't fight it so hard!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A Griffin are welcome!

Want to kiss my cute cheeks? Just eat me up? I know, I know...Mommy says these things all the time! Other words that my mommy and daddy use to describe me these days are:
Smart, silly, funny, hilarious, sweet, rotten, cuddly, show-off, loving...etc. The list could probably go on and on. And you are probably wondering how I could be sweet and rotten, right? It takes some serious work to be completely rotten one minute throwing one of my fabulous tantrums and suddenly kissing Mommy on the cheek while saying "sorry, Mommy"...but even though it's hard work, it's worth it and works like a charm everytime!
I also like to talk...a lot. I'm saying 4-5 word sentences now! I can say almost anything, even hard words like "dinosaur" and "granola bar". I even told Mimi M. "happy birthday!" yesterday. I could tell, she thought it was really cute. I like to talk on the phone and even pretend to talk on the phone. I talk to different people in my family. And I ask them "what doing?"
These days, I'm a Daddy's boy. I do love Mommy and I like to kiss her, but Daddy is the ticket right now. He's fun...he throws me up in the air. I like to sit on his lap and help him eat his dinner if he's too late to eat with us. He gives me baths and carries me into my room "like a bag" (this is where he puts me in the towel and carries the top and bottom of the towel. It's great.). He chases me and "gets my butt", which I think is hilarious. He lets me climb all over him like a jungle gym. I cry if I see him leave in the morning of if he has to run out to the weekend. So, even though Mommy is great, Daddy is the fun one, especially since Mommy's belly just keeps growing!
Oh yeah, I'm getting a sister. The best thing about this is me moving into Gage's room. I try my best to get him in trouble. He's pretty good at not falling for it. One night, last week, I got out of bed at night. Gage was whispering "Griffin, get back in bed!" And I was saying "No, Gage, try it!" But Gage evidently knows better than to get out of bed. Cause I got in trouble for it. Eeks. But you can't say I didn't try! The only way Gage gets out of bed is by having to go pee. I tried this by yelling "Mommy! Pee pee!" But it didn't work. I guess since I still wear a diaper.
Well, that's about it for me. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my latest adventures!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

An update on Gage

Am I growing up too fast for you? Mommy and Daddy seem to think so as well. I usually won't let Mommy get a good picture of me these days...I yell "NO!" and run the other direction. I may be 3, but I still enjoy keeping them on their toes. But I obliged on this Sunday morning before church and let Mommy snap this picture. I even decided to smile...I'm sure Mom is eternally grateful for this picture.

It seems I make Mom and Dad laugh everyday with some of this stuff I come up with. Yesterday, I told Mom I needed to take "a good poop" since my belly was hurting. So I did. And then I told her I was hungry again. She cracked up. I'm so charming that even when I talk about poop, Mom laughs.

I've been eating like a horse lately. Mom says it must be a "growth spurt". Not sure what that means, but I've been clearing my plate and sometimes ask for seconds! Or maybe Mommy is just that good of a cook. (She told me she would pay me to say that!)

I've also been asking some tricky questions that seem to stump my parents. Like "how will the baby get out of your belly, Mom?" Or "how did God make the world? Did he make everything?" They always take a minute and look at each other before carefully answering these questions. I must be too deep for them.

I'm pretty excited about getting a new baby sister. At first, I was bummed because I wanted another brother. But now, I'm cool with it. I even told Mommy the other day that I was going to be a really good big brother to the baby. She almost cried. I'm enjoying seeing all the new decor that is going into her room...

Which leads me to the next big thing that has happened. Griffin and I are now roommates. And I LOVE it! He talks a lot before falling asleep and he tries to get me to talk back to him. Sometimes I do and Mommy has to come in and tell me not to talk back to him or laugh at him. And then I stop and he falls asleep shortly after. We have all our toys into one room and it's so much fun to play together! He's still litte enough that I can trick him sometimes and get him to play and do what I want. Mommy says he probably won't fall for my schemes too much longer, so I'm enjoying it while I can!

I really like to play superheroes. Lately, I've been using my sister's pink hooded towels as superhero capes. They work perfectly. I always have to rescue something. Because like I told Mommy, superheroes rescue things!

I'm anxiously awaiting warm weather. Even on days that the sun is out, Mom says it's too cold to play outside! I'm really ready to play in my pool and swing and slide! Mommy says it will be awhile though.

I will try to get Griffin to sit still long enough to give you an update on him as well. That may be hard. He didn't earn the nickname "tornado" by sitting still!