Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bedtime drama...by Griffin

I never have liked to sleep, ever. I am stubborn and strong-willed and always have been. I mean, like from Day 1. I've had about every sleep issue you can think of. From having my days and nights confused as a newborn to waking in the middle of the night, screaming and crying now.

And now that I am in a bed, not a crib, and Gage and I share a room, I've created a whole new set of trouble for my parents. When I first moved into Gage's room in January, I did great. I really surprised Mommy and Daddy. But I was just setting them up. Tricking them. Making them think I was over all my sleep troubles. Then, I started getting braver and braver. At first, I would just talk for 30 min. or so. And Gage ignored me. I think I heard Mom and Dad tell him to ignore me. But oh no! I will not be ignored!

So, I talked some more...and louder. I would yell out that I needed to pee pee in the potty, knowing good and well that I'm wearing a diaper and I don't need to pee. I eventually started getting myself some books off the shelf and reading them in bed. And playing with the radio on the desk. This is making it harder and harder for Gage to just ignore me. So he starts getting in trouble too. Daddy usually makes 3 or 4 trips in our room every night before we finally go to sleep.

But I keep doing it...and I even tried getting out of bed a few times the other night. They shut the door, but I opened it anyways.

Maybe one of these days, I will decide that sleep is a good thing and I won't fight it so hard!

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

This absolutely cracked me up. He's definitely keeping you on your toes, Kelli! But, he's just too darn cute and he knows it! haha!