Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pretend by Griffin

Gage and I like to play pretend. We pretend lots of things.
We pretend to be Buzz Lightyear and Woody.
We pretend we are Spiderman and Batman.
We pretend to be bear hunters.
We pretend to have campouts with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in our Elmo tent.
We pretend to be dinosaurs. Gage always pretends to be a T-Rex.
We pretend to be pirates. Mommy taught me to say "Arrrrgggg matey!" It's cute. I'm cute. Really cute...but you know, moving on.
And we like to play cowboys. We have 3 cowboys hats, but only one pair of cowboy boots. Gage always gets to them first, even though they are 2 sizes too small for him. So today, I asked Mommy to put my snow boots on me. I mean, they are boots, right? So she put them on. Because she is the best and coolest mom in the world. (She did not pay me in candy to say that. I promise.)
I think a cowboy hat and snowboots makes a pretty cool outfit, don't you?

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