Thursday, January 28, 2010

An update on Gage

Am I growing up too fast for you? Mommy and Daddy seem to think so as well. I usually won't let Mommy get a good picture of me these days...I yell "NO!" and run the other direction. I may be 3, but I still enjoy keeping them on their toes. But I obliged on this Sunday morning before church and let Mommy snap this picture. I even decided to smile...I'm sure Mom is eternally grateful for this picture.

It seems I make Mom and Dad laugh everyday with some of this stuff I come up with. Yesterday, I told Mom I needed to take "a good poop" since my belly was hurting. So I did. And then I told her I was hungry again. She cracked up. I'm so charming that even when I talk about poop, Mom laughs.

I've been eating like a horse lately. Mom says it must be a "growth spurt". Not sure what that means, but I've been clearing my plate and sometimes ask for seconds! Or maybe Mommy is just that good of a cook. (She told me she would pay me to say that!)

I've also been asking some tricky questions that seem to stump my parents. Like "how will the baby get out of your belly, Mom?" Or "how did God make the world? Did he make everything?" They always take a minute and look at each other before carefully answering these questions. I must be too deep for them.

I'm pretty excited about getting a new baby sister. At first, I was bummed because I wanted another brother. But now, I'm cool with it. I even told Mommy the other day that I was going to be a really good big brother to the baby. She almost cried. I'm enjoying seeing all the new decor that is going into her room...

Which leads me to the next big thing that has happened. Griffin and I are now roommates. And I LOVE it! He talks a lot before falling asleep and he tries to get me to talk back to him. Sometimes I do and Mommy has to come in and tell me not to talk back to him or laugh at him. And then I stop and he falls asleep shortly after. We have all our toys into one room and it's so much fun to play together! He's still litte enough that I can trick him sometimes and get him to play and do what I want. Mommy says he probably won't fall for my schemes too much longer, so I'm enjoying it while I can!

I really like to play superheroes. Lately, I've been using my sister's pink hooded towels as superhero capes. They work perfectly. I always have to rescue something. Because like I told Mommy, superheroes rescue things!

I'm anxiously awaiting warm weather. Even on days that the sun is out, Mom says it's too cold to play outside! I'm really ready to play in my pool and swing and slide! Mommy says it will be awhile though.

I will try to get Griffin to sit still long enough to give you an update on him as well. That may be hard. He didn't earn the nickname "tornado" by sitting still!

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

haha! I laughed out loud about the "good poop". That's pretty funny!